Monday, January 16, 2012

25% Off Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply) Cheapest

Best Offer Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply) Cheap price

How To Save Up To 70% OFF Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply) Best Offer

Category: Health and Beauty
Brand: Prilosec
Availability: In Stock
List Price : N/A
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Full Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply) ratings

Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply) Review by Belinda Eastmond

I have had GERD symptoms for decades (since childhood), but didn't realize it because I rarely had the most distinctive symptom, heartburn. A few years ago my new doctor identified the regurgitation and swallowing problems, and put me on Prilosec, which has worked wonders - now when I swallow something, it generally stays down! And no more of the occasional heartburn, either.

But I have talked to Prilosec about putting the product in a bottle for those of us who expect to take it every day for the rest of our lives. They gave me some vague excuses relating to "safety" and "convenience," then had the gall to claim that the new packaging, which requires a sharp pointy object to open each individual bubble, is somehow easier to use than the old one where you peel away the foil backing and push the pill through the thin paper remaining. Oh, and they took away the perforations that let you break the card into manageable pieces, and that makes it "easier" too! I'm watching for the first generic manufacturer to come out with a omeprazole in a bottle - they'll corner the market, and Prilosec will never capture it back.

Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply) Review by Sheila

For months I suffered from severe heartburn at least 3-4 times a week. I finally went to the Doctor because I was eating TUMS like candy, but there was only temporary relief. The doctor prescribed a medication for acid reflux which I took for a month. The medication was expensive and it took several days to work; I wanted immediate relief. Then a friend recommended PRILOSEC; I tried it and I have been taking it each morning with occasional heartburn when I eat something too spicy. PRILOSEC really works!

Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply) Review by patecake

It was as described .
Fast Shipping, also.
Was also labled "Not for individual sale", so someone made some money off of some
thing that they got for free.

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Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply)::Description

Treats Frequent Heartburn!

Prilosec OTC- Delayed-Release Acid Reducer, 84ct (3 Month Supply):Limited time offer!

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